Saturday, 14 June 2014


I have just returned from the beautiful Aquarelle Centre, Dalarna, Sweden after giving a very successful workshop. The centre and surroundings were perfect, situated in the middle of a pine forest and leading down to a crystal clear lake. Accommodation was comfortable and all food was delicious. A light and airy studio with lake views was the location of the workshop. My way of painting is, shall we say, a little different to traditional watercolour techniques and my workshops are challenging to begin with, however, I believe a challenge is important and the participants are always delighted with the progress made from day 1 to day 5 and I always feel so proud to have taught them - it never ceases to amaze me how I can help bring out the inner artist in my students! I thought I would share a few pictures with you from my time there. I will be returning to Dalarna in August 2015. For now, at the end of the month I am heading off to Norway again for some more workshop fun and then home for a workshop in Devon. See you soon! Ax

 view from the lake up to the house

 the studio

 my group of lovely girls and my hosts

lake view

lake view

 view from my room

 wild lupins grow along the roadside everywhere

Flora 32, painted in Sweden

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

I am delighted to announce that I will be doing a workshop in beautiful Norway! 26-29 June 2014. Come and join me for some watercolour/mixed media fun! Bookings and information via their website